books to study german language

German Language Resources


Clozemaster - an app that allows you to practice vocab in usage
Speekoo - learn useful phases, and vocab in context.
Easy German News - TODAI - for intermediate learners, wold-wide news in german.
L'n'p German Free - the content is categorized in chapters such as Beruf(Professions), Farben(Colors), Haustiere(Pets) and many more.


Short Stories in Germanby Olly Richards and Alex Rawlings
Complete German Grammar - obviously it is not complete German Grammar, however this book covers more significant grammar points.


Mein Weg nach Deutschland - Beginner-friendly german stories of Nevin Coscun moving to Germany. Every episode provides English subtitles and lasts approximately 5-7 minutes.
Learn German - Various lessons in German, including conversational german, german grammar, and social customs in Germany.
Deutsch lernen mit der DW - Similar to Learn German, various lessons in German.
Easy German - Various videos and podcasts to help learn German in natural environment in the streets and among friends.
Languaging with Cory - Language lover living in Spanish, English, German, French, and Italian. Also follow Cory on her Instagram.